This week's assignment was to create a gallery space in Blender. I had a lot of fun with the model editing, but felt that I got on less well with the presentation of the model in Blender, in particular the materials/textures. I gave it a try but definitely feel more comfortable with the decorative workflow in Unity, and as that is going to be the primary use of my new 3D modelling skills I felt that getting to grips with the export/import processes of a Blender -> Unity pipeline was important too. Next step is to get comfortable with UV mapping in Blender.
In Blender I tried adding FBX characters from Mixamo to add a sense of scale, but could not get them to appear in a regular pose. Not wanting a gallery full of T-posing alien soldiers I decided to add interest in Unity with a VFX graph and some audio administered via FMOD. Blender renders were done with the Eevee render engine, primarily for speed, but also because switching to Cycles made my lighting appear differently in the rendered image than in the editor display.
Working title: Caged Sun
Blender Renders:

In terms of inspiration, I took visual inspiration from the old gas holders that used to exist near King's Cross (now luxury apartments); bizarre monuments to the industrial revolution that stood there since the 1860s. Climate obliterating function aside, I found them visually intriguing, and at a young age they definitely held some mysticism for me - weird steam punk monuments from outer space. This is a feeling I wanted to capture with this structure - undoubtedly industrial but with an obfuscated purpose.

The old gas holders near King's Cross