Here you will find links to individual digital artefacts. More information about the projects these belong to can be found in the projects tab.

Addition of new environment and experimentation with a more stylised graphical aesthetic on certain objects within the scene.

Changes made to central particle system, linking it more closely to day/night cycle and addition of more instrumentation options.

Mercuria - Launch
Announcing initial launch of the Mercuria alpha build, this iteration is controlled by Twitch chat commands.

Audio-visual sculpture created utilising the Invoke.CV framework. Proprietary generative composition system working primarily with MIDI in this example to control hardware and software instruments.

Audio-visual sculpture using LIDAR scan data as particle system input. Combines FMOD sample based instrumentation with MIDI controlled hardware synthesis

A re-working of an old audio-visual project using Unity engine and Invoke.CV framework. Combines FMOD rompler instrumentation with MIDI controlled hardware synthesis.

Teaser created for first live iteration of Invoke.CV. Bidirectional communication between a hardware modular synthesizer and a Unity & FMOD based audio-visual scene.

Audio-visual swarm synthesis. Granular engine controlled by a multi- flock boid simulation. Made with C++ and OpenFrameworks.

An exercise in sound design & implementation, post processing and lighting. Made with Unity & FMOD.

Sub Denizen is an electronic music alias used for deterministic compositions. Debut album Ad Nauseam was released in 2019, the first of three planned Catharsis Tapes.